Will Your Success Intimidate Him?

There’s a belief that a woman’s financial and career success will intimidate men. 

In my experience, that’s simply not true

A healthy man, with a good sense of self-esteem and confidence, and his own set of goals and accomplishments, will not be intimidated by your success and power. 

However…. and this is where the big catch lies, he will not fall in love with you BECAUSE OF it, either. 

We’re raised to believe that we get love, attention, adoration and praise for our success, great ideas, accomplishments, and what we DO for other people. 

At school, maybe you got praise for your grades, you saw your parents’ faces light up when you achieved well.

It’s no surprise that you’d bring the same vibe to a relationship.

Whilst this can get attention and respect from guys and the world, it will not attract the kind of cherishing and devotion that makes you feel loved, adored and amazing!

That comes back to the question…. Will my success intimidate men?

The right guy for you will love seeing you passionate and lit up by whatever you do in your life. 

And… if you’re a higher earner than your dates,  that doesn’t have to be a problem. 

The important thing here is allowing him to provide in different ways…..  And HOW you receive from him.

However what WILL put most guys off is a woman who’s in her masculine energy with him……meaning she’s up in her head and trying to lead and control the relationship, like she does with her kids or in her job.

This looks like leading the dating process, being helpful and trying to solve his problems if you’re used to problem-solving in your business or career life.

It’s the difference between the masculine, driven, aggressive, strategising energy and the feminine passionate, lit-up, flow vibe.

And what energy you bring to your relationship. 

What does “trying to lead the relationship” look like….

  1. Asking him out, asking for his number, suggesting dates, 

  2. Telling him where to park (unless he asks)- this is problem-solving… in early dating, it starts with parking suggestions…Suggesting where you meet..  In the courting process, it looks like planning the dates……  in a relationship it looks like trying to solve his career or health problems with your’ helpful’ suggestions. (unless he asks)

  3. Wanting to regularly talk about the relationship and where it’s going.

As a high-achieving, accomplished woman you’ll be used to giving, doing, thinking and taking action to get results……..  When we bring that energy into a relationship with a man he’ll feel turned off on a deep level.

He’ll feel controlled, mothered like he can’t be trusted to make his own decisions. 

When it comes to love you get more of the romantic cherishing you desire with give to a man with your appreciation, warmth, realness and receptivity.

Receiving what he provides with warmth.

Here’s the how:

  1. Stop!

  2. Notice the old habit happening or about the happen

  3. Breathe!

(This is about raising your awareness of your habits so they don’t run you.)

And Let Him……

Let him court you the way he wants to. 

Let him show you who he is and how into you he is. 

Let him demonstrate his commitment to moving the relationship forward.

Let him solve his own problems.

If you’re used to achieving and doing and problem-solving,  you will feel vulnerable! 

But that my daring, is the vulnerability that will get you the love you want.

Warmest Love



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