6 Habits That Will Turn Him Off!
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The six habits that will kill his desire and make him lose interest even if he's into you.
I'm Naomie Thompson, I'm a dating and relationship coach and I help accomplished women attract the love of their lives.
Let's dive into this.
The first habit is trying too hard.
It's when you put in far more effort than he is and you can really see simple evidence of this.
Look at your messages. Do you message more than he does, do you message much longer messages than he does?
Are you starting up the conversation or reviving conversations when they just seem to go quiet, are you reaching out to him to plan the dates?
Are you the one that's doing all the calling?
If you're in a relationship, are you the one making the effort?
Do you find yourself booking the restaurant for the anniversaries or for Valentine's, are you doing more than he does?
The masculine energy is about action giving and doing so a masculine man grows as he gives to you, so you need to allow him the space to show you with his consistent actions over a period of time if he is a man who can provide the kind of relationship you want.
Now of course two people create the relationship but a man, a healthy masculine man will want to lead the relationship forward to where you want, marriage, family, stability, a commitment.
So let him put in more effort than you're putting in.
I'm not talking about you sitting back like a princess doing nothing but if you are responding to his action and responding with warmth then you are going to see whether or not he's someone who can lead the relationship.
2. The next habit is being someone you are not, to make him like you.
So you might try to be more active and sporty because he's really active and sporty.
Sometimes that can be a great thing if it’s going to enhance your life, but actually if you really hate sports or ifYou sitting whilst he plays video games with him and video games leave you cold, and you'd much rather be out being active
Or trying to be more sexy to get his attention.
Relationships do help us grow however we must careful of not squashing ourselves and who we are, and giving up the things that we love doing when we meet a guy we're really attracted to.
Having a healthy relationship and attracting the right partner is about being unashamedly ourselves un-ashamedly you and if you love hanging out and shopping and you're a city girl and this is what you love, and you cannot bear water sports you hate them, don't do it.
Be who you are and don’t put him on a pedestal.
A man is going to value you a lot higher when you’re standing your feminine ground and being clear about what you like and what you don't like, and, who you are and being okay with who you are.
3. The third is putting him up on a pedestal
This is when we make a man the goal or the prize, making him your North Star.
This makes us feel crappy and urgent in the relationship.
It makes us try too hard to please him and it also elevates him to a status where we feel he's better than us and we get very afraid of losing him.
What I want you to do is to remember…. the relationship you want is the prize, not the man.
Even if you're with the best man in the world, you know that the relationship you want is more important than the man who's in front of you.
When you really get that it's incredibly powerful my love.
4. Not Setting Boundaries
When we don't set boundaries we lower our value in our eyes and we lower our value in a man's eyes.
Setting boundaries is about protecting what is sacred to you and what is important to you.
It's not about rules for the world and rules for the guy.
This is about saying what is precious and sacred to me what is so important that I would not sacrifice it for any relationship.
You may have a boundary around what’s Important for your emotional and mental well-being.
If a relationship came along and you had to sacrifice your emotional and mental well-being would that be a good relationship for you? No, it wouldn’t!
If you could see you've got a circle around you and you are in the middle of that circle, everything that's in that circle is what is sacred and important to you.
The line around that circle, the edge, is the boundary and it protects everything that's sacred.
Everything that's important is inside that circle, your mental and emotional well-being, family either having a family or having contact regular close contact with your family, time with your friends, freedom to travel, peace of mind.
Your boundaries are protecting what is sacred to you, so if a relationship came along and you had to sacrifice on a consistent basis your peace of mind, your freedom to see your family or spend time with friends, your peace, ability to have open-hearted communication.
If you were to sacrifice any one of those things for a relationship would it be a good relationship for you? No, so getting clear on what's really important to you and then having the skills to speak up is vital.
Setting a boundary is about you and protecting what's sacred and important.
5. Making excuses for a man that isn't stepping up.
We can make so many excuses for a guy in the dating phase, he's really busy with work, he's shy, he's just not very confident, he's really into me but you know he needs to sort out a whole load of stuff.
Firstly, if a man is ready for the relationship you want and he wants that relationship it's very very hard to shake him off.
He will make it really clear to you if he is a healthy masculine energy man, and if he really wants what you want you will know and it won't be confusing.
Listen to your language and just notice if you are making excuses for him.
The sixth habit is entertaining less than you desire by staying in a relationship or a situation too long if it's not meeting your needs.
This could look like continuing to message with a guy or continuing to go on dates with a guy even if he's told you or demonstrated that he's not looking for a committed relationship, when a committed relationship is what you want. .
Sometimes we think “oh well maybe he'll change or maybe he'll change his mind, maybe he'll learn to really love me and I'll be the one he wants to commit to.”
What this does is it wastes your time and your precious energy my darling, and we don't want that.
If your desire is to get married and have children then you need to meet a family- orientated, commitment-minded man who's ready for that.
I hope those six habits and understanding those six habits have been useful for you and helpful.
I know all of those helped me so much and it has really helped my clients.
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loads of love to you.