Tapping Into Love Masterclass!

Rapidly shift what’s been blocking love and intimacy.


learn how to take charge of your emotional triggers and Find Ease With Love

Naomie Thompson Dating and Relationship Coach, Tapping into Love Masterclass profile picture

With Naomie Thompson

Tatjana Walton Profile picture for the tapping into love masterclass

and Tatjana Walton

You'll Learn:

♥ How to quickly process even the strongest emotional triggers

♥ A powerful repeatable step by step tapping routine you can do on yourself at any time to get you ‘unstuck’

♥ How EFT Tapping can bring more romance, cherishing and closeness to your relationships

If you’re finding yourself…

  • Feeling emotionally triggered around men and love.

  • Holding back communicating your needs, wants and desires because you’re afraid your emotions will be ‘too much’.

  • Feeling resentful and angry and trying to stuff these feelings down so you don’t rock the boat.

  • Feeling hopeless around love and often believing it’s never going to happen for you

  • Wondering if you’re too sensitive for dating, maybe online dating feels too traumatic

And if what you really want is…

  • More love! More intimacy! And more of feeling adored for exactly who you are… your vulnerabilities, quirks and all!

Picture of a couple used to promote the tapping into love masterclass by Naomie Thompson Dating and Relationship coach

Then this 1.5 hour masterclass is for you!

In this masterclass we’ll use the power of clinical EFT, or ‘tapping’, to allow the emotional grip to loosen so that being open to love and staying on the path of attracting the love you want becomes easier and softer.

When you notice a stressful feeling or a trigger and you use this powerful routine, you’ll notice you feel softer, clearer, more at ease.

Instead of withdrawing from dating or not expressing your needs in your relationship; you’ll feel a new calm confidence and ability to handle the big stuff and not sweat the small stuff.

Some of the scenarios that tapping can be incredible for

Fear before a date

The sinking, nauseous feeling when looking at the dating Apps

Shame or fear of having said the ‘wrong thing’ during a date

Waiting for his call, and feeling urgent and awful whilst you wait

Feeling rejected

Believing there are no aligned men out there

Feeling doubtful you can have what you want

Feeling small around a man you like, putting him on a pedestal

Feeling annoyed and angry with him

Feeling afraid to trust incase you’re let down again

Feeling overwhelmingly needy, and chasing crumbs

If you can relate to any of those I want you to know you’re not alone…. both Tatjana and I have felt all of the feelings on that list!

As have almost every one of the hundreds of woman I’ve worked with over the years.

In the Tapping Into Love Masterclass with Naomie Thompson & Tatjana Walton you’ll get…

  • A 1.5 hour recorded masterclass with Tatjana and Naomie teaching you the exact steps to master her amazing method.

  • A tapping sequence guide so you can use this tool in your life any time to get you unstuck.

Tatjana Walton Profile picture for the tapping into love masterclass

Tatjana Walton is a certified clinical EFT practitioner, a hypnotherapist, a Relationship Coach and an NLP Trainer, she uses this tapping with her clients with incredible results.

Tatjana says:

I want to teach you the practical application of an easy way to tap on your own, and the steps to set it up by just watching and tapping along in the class.

Clinical Tapping is a self-help tool to change the body from a stress state where we can feel blocked and stuck and are more likely to sabotage relationships, to a calmer state where we feel more at ease and in our feminine energy, more naturally able to attract cherishing, love and romance.

My clients experience a huge shift from high emotions that are driving them to chase guys, create drama, to feeling more calm, grounded and feminine than ever before.

When I hear from clients even a year or more after they stopped working with me they tell me that they continued to feel more empowered and calm in the situation we worked on.